???option.TituloSitioWeb.master??? in Leather Engineering

Degree Basics


Master's Degree in Leather Engineering

ECTS credits


Starting year


Learning model


Language of instruction

Catalan, Spanish and English

Available places



Anna Bacardit Dalmases eps.coordmec@udl.cat

The degree in figures
The degree in figures
The degree in figures
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Presentation of the master

Within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), official master's degrees are the second level of university studies after undergraduate studies.

This is a European master's degree that will allow the practice of the profession in any country in the world.

The tanning industry, very active and expanding worldwide due to the incorporation of new markets and its presence in various economic sectors (aeronautics, automotive, furniture, footwear, fashion and accessories, etc.), has a very specialized know-how , which gives the graduates of this master a very interesting profile for companies.

The objective set out in the curriculum of this master's degree is for the student to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the competitiveness, sustainability and innovation of activities related to the leather industry throughout the world.

The professional opportunities of the graduates in this master's degree are: R&D manager or production / innovation manager in companies in the leather sector and others related to this sector (chemical supplier companies, leather goods manufacturing companies, research centers , international cooperation institutions, etc).


Why do you have to study this degree at EPS?

The purpose of the Master's Degree in Leather Engineering is for its students to acquire advanced multidisciplinary training as well as the necessary skills, aimed at the training of professionals who contribute to the competitiveness, sustainability and innovation of activities related to the tannery and related industries. Worldwide.

This Master is accessed after having completed undergraduate studies or any official university degree. The Master's Degree in Leather Engineering has a duration of 60 credits (2 semesters) and is specially designed to meet the growing demand that both national and international companies have in the main areas that their knowledge reaches: Subscriber Industry, main specialized divisions of the chemical sector, eco-innovation and sustainability of processes, quality management of manufactured products in the main leather markets (automotive, aeronautical, footwear).

The fertilizer and related industries have undergone a major restructuring worldwide in recent years due to the macroeconomic situation, consumption habits, environmental changes and restrictions, the rise of biodegradable products ... that have favored innovation and specialization in this sector. The important know-how accumulated in this sector and the growing demand for specialized professionals, provides a very interesting profile to its graduates.

The teaching staff that teaches the classes is made up mainly of doctor teaching staff belonging to consolidated and prestigious research groups, which provide a solid basis for undertaking innovative and quality studies.

The commitment of the Higher Polytechnic School is to carry out a proactive training, placing the student at the center of the learning process, using continuous assessment, active pedagogical methodologies and a professional orientation (through work placements), or innovative and research (through work in research groups) and with solid foundations in the management of projects and technological infrastructures.

Come to the Polytechnic School to study a current degree, essential to meet the challenges of the 21st century society and with a very high labor demand:

  • Because the Igualada University Campus is a reference center around the world
  • Because it offers these unique studies in Europe: the university master's degree in Leather Engineering.
  • Because it is a training offer closely linked to the professional occupation needs of the territory, likewise, faithful to the long history that positions Igualada as one of the leading cities in the study of Engineering, as a result of more than sixty years dedicated to teaching at the Igualada School of Engineering.
  • Because EPS enjoys a high level of internationalization. Students of the Master in Leather Engineering can enjoy a wide range of international mobility and a double international degree with CIATEC's Postgraduate Specialist in Leather Tanning in Mexico.
  • Because the job placement figure has been 100% in the last three years Because students can carry out internships in companies and acquire knowledge and experience in real projects, develop new skills and foster an innovative spirit.
  • Because the Igualada-UdL Campus is characterized by new facilities, equipped with the necessary technology to carry out leading research

Job opportunities

The graduates in Leather Engineering from the Higher Polytechnic School, according to data from the latest survey published on labor insertion in Catalonia of the AQU, Labor Report 2023 achieve a JOB INSERTION of 100%

The postgraduates and postgraduates of this master's degree acquire the following skills:

  • Design an entire process of adobatge and leather finishing.
  • Know the properties of industrial products and acquire the selection criteria based on the desired application.
  • Know the industrial process and its environmental implications.
  • Respond to any demand for modification, innovation and improvement of industrial processes
  • Integrate knowledge of industrial practice with internationalization, sustainability, process management, etc. To
  • know in depth the most advanced methods in the subscriber, the chemical principles and their reaction.
  • Acquire work skills in the laboratory on the research of the products, processes and techniques involved in the dressing and finishing of leathers.

Who will train and make experts to these postgraduates and postgraduates in various professional opportunities, in the field of leather engineering: R + D managers, production / innovation managers in companies in the leather sector and in others related to this sector, such as For chemical supplier companies, leather goods manufacturing companies, research centers, international cooperation institutions, etc.

International double master

Leather Engineering & Postgraduate specialist in leather

Double master's degree in Leather Engineering & Postgraduate specialist in leather tanning with the Mexican university of CIATEC

CIATEC is an institution that is part of the Network of Public Centers of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) of Mexico, which contributes to the technological, economic and social development of the country, solving science-based problems in industries through projects that generate and apply knowledge (Innovation programs) in the leather and footwear sector.

The graduate of the Specialization in Leather Marinating will design new products and processes for the tannery through the study of the transformation that the leather undergoes, until its conversion into finished leather. Graduates will understand the influence of each of the stages of the process on the properties of the final product as well as its environmental impact. The three knowledge areas covered by the curriculum are:

  • Innovation and optimization of processes in the industry of curtits and related; It is taught with a focus on innovation, to improve existing processes or to implement new processes to convert leathers into leathers with defined characteristics.
  • Analytical chemistry applied to curtits. Skills are developed to define the formulations of the products that serve to marinate the hides or apply their finishes.
  • Environmental management. Procedures are applied to control processes and their environmental impact from the establishment of work methods and quantitative records by sub-processes.


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